Student Creations
This is where you’ll find the things that our students build during our Saturday workshops. We’ll update the gallery as students finish animations and give them to us to share.
Week 4
This student animation uses the ideas of parametric thinking and time dependent animation in Desmos. Instead of a straight line, the pattern is generated with a series of lines that hinge on each other.
Week 4
In this student animation, a rotating triangle is used in place of the stick. The lengths and positions of the triangle’s sides scale as it moves. This is a great example of scaling different variables at the same time, which is an idea we worked with in week 4.
Week 4
This student animation from the spirograph activity shows how different movements within the graph can be linked. It makes use of path-tracing along with circular motion, the primary focus of this week.
Week 4
This student animation uses path tracing and trig function rotations to create this linked shape. The animation links the movement of different components together using one variable for time in all of the movements.
Week 5
“In desmos, I was able to write my name using some of the basic rules for lines and circles. The "N" was written with three lines; the first two drawn independently, and the diagonal connected the top and bottom points from the previous two lines…” cont.
Week 5
“The desmos link above traces my name Harit!”
Week 6
“An interesting property of a circle rolling inside of another circle whose radius is twice the smaller circle's is that the locus of every point on the smaller circle is a straight line.”
Week 6
“This program uses the rotation matrix to rotate a function around the point (0,0). The function can be changed to be anything that can be expressed in the form of f(t).”