Taylor, PD. Afterward: Math and the Future of the Planet. In
Mathematics for Intermediate Teachers: From Models to Methods, Cambridge
Scholars Publishing Ltd. 2023 [PDF]
Taylor, PD. Reforming School Mathematics: two levels of structure. In Cai, J and Middleton, J. Research in Mathematics Education Series, Springer International Publishing. 2019. [PDF]
Taylor PD. The Conversation: July 2019. [PDF]
Taylor, P. Teach the Mathematics of Mathematicians. Educ. Sci. 2018, 8, 56; doi:10.3390/educsci8020056+[PDF]
Taylor, P.; Lala, D.; Ouellet, K.; Knebel, S. Powerful Stories: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Secondary Mathematics Curriculum Landscape. In A. Kajander, J. Holm, & E. J. Chernoff (Eds.), Teaching and learning secondary school mathematics: Canadian perspectives in an international context. A volume in B. Sriraman (Series Ed.), Advances in Mathematics Education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 2018.[PDF]
Mamolo A.M., Taylor P.D. (2018) Blue Skies Above the Horizon. In: Wasserman N. (eds) Connecting Abstract Algebra to Secondary Mathematics, for Secondary Mathematics Teachers. Research in Mathematics Education. Springer, Cham. [PDF]
Taylor, P. Has Mathematics Education misunderstood Homo Aestheticus? Problem Solving in Patagonia Universidad de Magallanes, Chile, November 2017. [PDF]
Taylor, P. The aesthetics of mathematical modeling for the classroom, Fields Institute Mathematics Education Forum. Oct 2017. [PDF]
Peter Taylor and Judy Wearing. 2016. Structure-an allegory. Plenary presentation at the 40th anniversary CMESG/GCDEM Conference, Queen's University June 6 2016. [PDF]
Krupp, D., Kim, J., Taylor, P. and Barclay, P. 2014. Cooperation and Competition in Large Classrooms. HEQCO Research Report [PDF]
Taylor, P. 2014. My students deserve better. For the Learning of Mathematics 34 1: 34-35 [PDF]
Kajander, A., Mason, R., Taylor, P., Doolittle, E., Boland, T., Jarvis, D., and Maciejewski, W. 2010. Multiple visions of teachers' understandings of mathematics. For the Learning of Mathematics 30: 50-56 [PDF]
Taylor, P. 2009. Essay on A and B. Education Notes 41 2 [PDF]
Taylor, P. 2009. Why the sky is still falling. Notice of the AMS [PDF]
Will the real Q please step forward? 9th annual symposium on innovative teaching, Simon Fraser University, May, 2007 [PDF]
Taylor, P. 2007. Mathematical Lens. Mathematics Teacher 101: 179-182 [PDF]
"Last Lecture," Queen's MiniU, God is also a mathematician. May 2011. [PDF]
The Adrian Pouliot Prize Lecture. The structure of a mathematics curriculum. CMS Winter Meeting, Toronto. 2006. [PDF]
What the history of art can teach us about teaching. MAA Seaway Banquet Address [PDF]
The teacher as artist: a letter to my colleagues. MAA Focus 24: 8-9 [PDF]
CMS Winter Meeting. December 2003. Vancouver. Education Session. The tyranny of reality.[PDF]
Taylor, P.D. and Sinclair, N. 2001. "Training" our students. Canadian J. of Math, Science and Technology 1:110-116.[PDF]
Taylor, P. and Sinclair, N. 2000. Regular Lecturer, Reinventing the Teacher, International Congress of Mathematics Education, Tokyo [PDF]
Taylor, P.D. 1997, February 6. A small napkin. Globe and Mail, Facts and Arguments. [PDF]
The MacClement Lecture, Mathematics and Poetry. Queen's University Fac. of Education [PDF]
The Avis Memorial Lecture, Portrait of the artist as a young cadet, Royal Military College [PDF]
Taylor, P.D. 1990. Care, not Speed, The Kingston Whig Standard, Sept. 13, 1990, Reprinted in IEEE Canadian Review No. 11, Fall, 1991, and in The Federation Focus, March/April, 1992. [PDF]
The Randolph Lecture: Calculus, where are we going? Seaway Section, MAA, Oswego, NY.
Taylor, P.D. 1983. Zen in the art of archery and teaching, Journal of Literary Theory 4: 73-81.
Taylor, P.D. 1980. On Virgil: my opening lecture to Mathematics 120, For the Learning of Mathematics 1: 49-52.[PDF]
Taylor, PD. A Red Book for Queen’s. Queen’s University 1976 [PDF]